Results for "BASE"





  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...d into two categories: string-based model and graph-based model. We therefore list ma...error probabilities for each base. Clone-end-pairing informatio...sembler 1.2 – Karyotype-based Genome Assembler for Brassic...ioinfomatics. Most assemblers based on de Bruijn graph build a d...

    2734 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    ...ull support. This material is based upon work supported by the N...nyevent-nsq - A AnyEvent-based client for mbarbon/l...ko/net-bittorrent - Perl based BitTorrent module available...e files (even on non-MacOSX), based on https://wiki.mozilla...

    2542 days ago

  • +2 more Pages

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Generate N base genome: perl -e '@b=qw/A T G C/;print ">Genome\n";while($l<N){print @b[int(rand(4))];$l++;}' #Tipsoftheday #Perl

    3951 days ago


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • GABi

    ...rediction Comparative Genomics Functional Analysis of Residues on Protein Families Gene/Protein Networks Genome structure & base composition Highthroughp...

    3850 days ago

  • Bourque Lab

    ...a computational genomicists our work involves examining billions of DNA base pairs and interpreting how va...e functional annotation of genomes with a special emphasis on sequencing-based assays (e.g. ChIP-seq, RNA-S...

    1986 days ago




  • Create a conda environment !

    JitMeta (base) ➜ JitMeta conda create --name JitMetaENV Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1265 days ago

  • Install grabseqs with conda !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ JitMeta conda install grabseqs -c louiejtaylor -c bioconda -c conda-forge Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1265 days ago

  • +69 more Bio-Scripts
