Results for "Genbank"


  • List of genome announcement, notes and reporting journals

    ...nt a new chromosome sequence, its GenBank accession number and little e...table record of the corresponding GenBank submission. Must include abst...ences as they become submitted to GenBank. May also contain specificall...table record of the corresponding GenBank submission. Link: https://li...

    2147 days ago

  • Explore taxdump files !

    ...ollowing fields: tax_id -- node id in GenBank taxonomy database parent tax_id -- parent node id in GenBank taxonomy database rank...omy database division id division cde -- GenBank division code (three characte...

    1686 days ago

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  • OrganellarGenomeDRAW

    ...ated to convert genetic information stored in GenBank entries to graphical maps. The input text file has to be in GenBank flat file format, whereas the...chondriome). Nevertheless, you can upload any GenBank entry. The workflow is devide...

    2957 days ago

  • Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)

    ...genomes and to explore conservation of synteny, in the context of the entire sequences and their annotation. It can read complete EMBL, GENBANK and GFF entries or sequences...

    2936 days ago

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Wire posts

  • GenBank to FASTA format conversion, Written By Junguk HUR #Perl #FASTA #Genbank

    4006 days ago

  • #Genome #submission to #GenBank

    2677 days ago

  • +2 more Wire posts


  • Genome Workbench 2.10.7

    ...accommodate nodes of different sizes Table Import Dialog (MacOS): fixed issue with table visibility Fixed bug where different molecules IDs in GenBank could resolve to the same seq...

    3003 days ago

  • Download assemblies from NCBI

    ...elow) to refine the set of genome assemblies of interest. Then, just open the “Download assemblies” menu, choose the source database (GenBank or RefSeq), choose...

    2685 days ago

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