Results for "Next Generation Sequence Analysis"





Discussion topics

  • Does anyone have Nanopore latest updates?

    There was a lot of buzz about Oxford Nanopore Technologies® is developing the GridION™...ystem and miniaturised MinION™ device. These are a new generation of electronic molecular analysis system for use in scientific...

    3807 days ago

  • Compressive Genomics

    The key to finding a solution is to notice that most genomicsequences differ by very little. It may...t the number of complete genome sequences being stored is increasing r...l. In other words, a single DNA sequence isn't particularly compressib...s/181-algorithms/4537-a-new-dna-sequence...

    3913 days ago

  • +2 more Discussion topics


Top-level pages

  • BioProgramming, so called the “high-throughput next generation sequencing” (HT-N...s, the main challenge is to cope with the analysis of vast production of handle ever growing genome or protein sequences. The next step after reading genetic code i...

    3941 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological predictions and analysis" -- Jitendra Narayan " provide raw data for later analysis. Once the raw data are availa...tein interactions. Analysing sequence data: The primary data of se...

    3941 days ago

  • +62 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • VISTA is a comprehensive suite of programs and databases for comparative analysis of genomic sequences ! #Genomics #Seq

    3511 days ago

  • Some useful tricks for next generation seq analyst #Perl #R #C/C++

    3872 days ago

  • +136 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Nedelec Lab

    Location :European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany. Our lo..., with an emphasis on mitosis. We develop in-vitro assays, quantitative image analysis and cytosim, a computer simul...

    3942 days ago

  • Bahlo Lab

    Melanie Bahlo is an applied statistician working in the areas of statistical genetics,...pedigrees Investigation of DNA sharing in distantly related individuals CNV analysis in pedigrees and connections...

    3941 days ago

  • +58 more ResearchLabs posts


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    If a Bioinformatician starts producing Hindi Bollywood movies, names will Alignment to hona hi tha. Mera sequence mera base. Markov aapke gaya. BLASTana FASTAna. Hamari Sequence aapke pass hai. BLAST To Hon...GeneScan Karke Dekho Alignment Apna Sequence...

    3912 days ago





  • Tryst with a Bioinformatician # Dr Altan Kara

      Dr Altan Kara is a Bioinformatics specialist at the facu...ome, proteome, and metabolome analysis to reveal the molecular p...seful tools for comprehensive analysis and comparison of high-throughp...retired, what would you tell next generation bioinformaticians? Bio...

    2355 days ago


  • R and Bioconductor

    R and Bioconductor

    R is a free software programming language and a software en...iners for developing statistical software and data analysis. R's popularity has increased...ical packages. Bioconductor provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-thr...

    3944 days ago

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    This group meant to discuss different sequencing methods and their data analysis. Now, sequencing is almost one of t...

    3901 days ago

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