Results for "Tutorial"


  • A simple tutorial for a complex ComplexHeatmap

    ComplexHeatmap (Gu, Eils, and Schlesner (2016)) is an R Programming Language (R Core Team (2020)) package that is currently listed in the Bioconductor package repository. install and load required packages require(RColorBrewer) require(ComplexHeatmap) require(circlize) ...

    Tags: simple, tutorial, complex, ComplexHeatmap

    1124 days ago

  • #Bioinformatics, #R, #Genomics and #big #data #tutorial

    Tags: Bioinformatics, R, Genomics, big, data, tutorial

    3056 days ago

  • #DotPlot #tutorial

    Tags: DotPlot, tutorial

    2794 days ago

  • BioStats class tutorial

    Nice biostat turorial by Ingo Ruczinski

    Tags: Biostats, Ingo Ruczinski, book, tutorial, R

    2602 days ago

  • coursera genome assembly tutorial

    Solutions to Coursera Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II)

    Tags: coursera, genome, assembly, tutorial

    2348 days ago

  • Single Cell RNAseq data analysis tutorial !!

    A major breakthrough (replaced microarrays) in the late 00’s and has been widely used since Measures the average expression level for each gene across a large population of input cells Useful for comparative transcriptomics, e.g. samples of the same tissue from different ...

    Tags: Single, Cell, RNAseq, analysis, tutorial

    2345 days ago

  • Biological file format tutorial

    This section explains some of the commonly used file formats in bioinformatics. The information provided here is basic and designed to help users to distinguish the difference between different formats. Please refer user manual or other information resources on web for more details. FASTA FAS...

    Tags: Biological, file, format, tutorial

    2325 days ago

  • Long read assembly workshop !

    This is a tutorial for a workshop on long-read (PacBio) genome assembly. It demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequencing reads to assemble a bacterial genome, and includes additional steps for circularising, trimming, finding plasmids, and correcting the assembly with short-read Illumina data....

    Tags: longread, ngs, assembly, genome, reads, tutorial

    2034 days ago

  • Variant calling #variant #snp #tutorial

    Tags: variant, snp, tutorial

    2014 days ago

  • Genome assembly tutorial #tutorial #assembly #tools #steps #pipeline

    Tags: tutorial, assembly, tools, steps, pipeline

    1927 days ago