web.mit.edu - The following is a step-by-step guide to creating your own R package. Even beyond this course, youmay find this useful for storing functions you create for your own research or for editing existingR packages to suit your needs.
This guide...
github.com - The PheWAS R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study. For a description of the methods available and some simple examples, please see the package vignette or the R documentation. For...
www.phytools.org - R phylogenetics is built on the contributed packages for phylogenetics in R, and there are many such packages. Let's begin today by installing a few critical packages, such as ape, phangorn, phytools, and geiger. To get the most recent CRAN version...
pypi.python.org - Orange Bioinformatics extends Orange, a data mining software package, with common functionality for bioinformatics. The provided functionality can be accessed as a Python library or through a visual programming interface (Orange Canvas). The latter...
rpubs.com - An R package for performing principal component analysis (PCA) of genomics data. The package performs PCA, generates the publication-ready plots, and identifies population-specific outlier individuals. The package can be accessed on...
Applications are invited for the following post of Junior Research Fellow (temporary position coterminous with the project) under DBT funded research project on ““Understanding the functions of α1β1γ1/α2β1γ1 selective AMPK Modulators in dissecting...
Google Life Sciences is recruiting a technical lead with experience in bioinformatics and clinical bioinformatics, including for biomarker discovery projects such as the Baseline study.
Lead teams of scientists in structuring,...
en.wikibooks.org - Employing different technologies, the purpose of NGS platform is to decode the identity or modification on the nucleotides. NGS platforms evolve quickly and capture the main stream.
This bookmark is created to provide NGS online books links.
github.com - ComplexHeatmap (Gu, Eils, and Schlesner (2016)) is an R Programming Language (R Core Team (2020)) package that is currently listed in the Bioconductor package repository.
install and load required packages...