- Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Take a tour to get the hang of how Rosalind works. - LASTZ is a program for aligning DNA sequences, a pairwise aligner. Originally designed to handle sequences the size of human chromosomes and from different species, it is also useful for sequences produced by NGS sequencing technologies such as... - The Ensembl comparative genomics resources are one such reference set that facilitates comprehensive and reproducible analysis of chordate genome data. Ensembl computes pairwise and multiple whole-genome alignments from which large-scale synteny,... - YASS is a genomic similarity search tool, for nucleic (DNA/RNA) sequences in fasta or plain text format (it produces local pairwise alignments). Like most of the heuristic pairwise local alignment tools for DNA sequences (FASTA, BLAST,... - CrossMap is a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between different assemblies (such as Human hg18 (NCBI36) <> hg19 (GRCh37), Mouse mm9 (MGSCv37) <> mm10... - Recent technological progress has greatly facilitated de novo genome sequencing. However, de novo assemblies consist in many pieces of contiguous sequence (contigs) arranged in thousands of scaffolds instead of small numbers of... - In this exercise, a previously annotated gene will be used to measure the accuracy of different gene finding approaches. GRAIL, GENSCAN, geneid, FGENESH, GenomeScan, GrailEXP and GENEWISE will be used to annotate the sequence. Both search by... - Before uploading a data file, check the samples gallery to make sure that your data format is compatible.
Your file must be plain text.
Your data values must be non-negative integers.
Data must be space-separated (one or...