- Software available at this site
FineSTRUCTURE version 2, a pipeline for running ChromoPainter and FineSTRUCTURE for population inference. A GUI is available for interpretation. Download from the Downloads page.
FineSTRUCTURE R scripts, a... - First step: Install & load “VennDiagram” package.
# install.packages('VennDiagram')
Second step: Load data
Add filepath if “catdoge.csv” is not in working-directory.
d <-... - You are requested to please bookmark collection of bioinformatics tools, scripts, codes that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex bioinformatics tasks.
The next-generation sequencing included...
Python Programming is a general purpose programming language that is open source, flexible, powerful and easy to use. One of the most important features of python is its rich set of utilities and libraries for data processing and analytics... - Other tools focus on getting data out of the fastq or fast5 files, which is slow and computationally intensive. The benefit of this approach is that it works on a single, small, .txt summary file. So it's a lot quicker than most other things out...
During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and sealing of the resulting recombined molecules happens. The “chromosomal breakpoints” refers to these places where they break.
My research group consists primarily of computer science graduate students and postdocs with expertise in algorithms, statistical inferences and machine learning, and sharing a passion for understanding fundamental biological problems.
We work in...