We are two groups of scientists doing frontier research in quantitative biology and biomedicine. The Bienko group is interested in exploring the fundamental design principles controlling how DNA is packed in the eukaryotic nucleus and its relation...
bmbl.sdstate.edu - DMINDA (DNA motif identification and analyses) is an integrated web server for DNA motif identification and analyses
More at http://bmbl.sdstate.edu/DMINDA2/
github.com - ExRec (Exclusion of Recombined DNA) is a Python pipeline that implements the four-gamete test to filter out recombined DNA sites from up to thousands of DNA sequence loci. The pipeline consists of five standalone applications: the first two convert...
bionumbers.hms.harvard.edu - Did you ever need to look up a number like the volume of a cell or the cellular concentration of ATP, only to find yourself spending much more time than you wanted on the Internet or flipping through textbooks - all without much...
github.com - dnaPipeTE (for de-novo assembly & annotation Pipeline for Transposable Elements), is a pipeline designed to find, annotate and quantify Transposable Elements in small samples of NGS datasets. It is very useful to quantify the proportion of TEs...
academic.oup.com - ReConPlot (REarrangement and COpy Number PLOT), an R package that provides functionalities for the joint visualization of SCNAs and SVs across one or multiple chromosomes. ReConPlot is based on the popular ggplot2 package, thus allowing...
http://last.cbrc.jp/ - LAST can:
Handle big sequence data, e.g:
Compare two vertebrate genomes
Align billions of DNA reads to a genome
Indicate the reliability of each aligned column.
Use sequence quality data properly.
Compare DNA to proteins, with...