www.phrap.org - Supports Illumina, 454, other Next-Gen and Sanger Reads and allows mixtures of these read types
Consed includes BamScape which can view bam files with unlimited numbers of reads. BamScape can bring up consed to edit reads and the reference sequence...
github.com - Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuracy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. It uses Sparse HIereachical MimiMizER (SHIMMER)...
github.com - CLAW (Chloroplast Long-read Assembly Workflow) is an mostly-automated Snakemake-based workflow for the assembly of chloroplast genomes. CLAW uses chloroplast long-reads, which are baited out of larger read libraries (e.g., an Oxford Nanopore...
bitbucket.org - SVEngine (Structural Variants Engine)
SVEngine is a multi-purpose and self-contained simulator for whole genome scale spike-in of thousands of SV events of various types in both single-sample and matched sample scenarios.
SVEngine takes as input...
There was a lot of buzz about Oxford Nanopore Technologies® is developing the GridION™ system and miniaturised MinION™ device. These are a new generation of electronic molecular analysis system for use in scientific research,...