Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Current research interests include next-generation DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangements in cancer and evolution, and network analysis of somatic...
The bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ideal model organism to understand mechanisms of meiotic chromosome segregation. In S. cerevisiae and in mammals, the majority of meiotic crossovers are formed through a highly conserved MSH4p-MSH5p,...
www.yandell-lab.org - MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline.Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats,...
github.com - Convenient conversions between genome assemblie. The liftover package makes it easy to remap genomic coordinates to a different genome assembly.
More at...
Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics
The Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics (BioinfoLab) is hosted at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" - CNR . The...
www.broadinstitute.org - DISCOVAR is a new variant caller and DISCOVAR de novo a new genome assembler, both designed for state-of-the-art data. Their inputs are chosen to optimize quality while keeping costs low. Currently it takes as input Illumina reads of length 250 or...
platanus.bio.titech.ac.jp - Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data.
The latest version is 1.2.4.
To cite Platanus, please use the...
github.com - Hagfish is a tool that is to be used in data analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) experiments. Hagfish builds on the concept of coverage plots and aims to assist (amongst others) in quality control of de novo genome assembly or...
github.com - methylKit is an R package for DNA methylation analysis and annotation from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. The package is designed to deal with sequencing data from RRBS and its variants, but also target-capture methods such as Agilent...