www.healthcare.uiowa.edu - Added Command line argument support.
Multi-stage execution modes.
Support for parallelization. Now execution proceeds in batches of long reads the size of which can be set by --long_read_batch_size N.
Better compressed intermediate files.
sourceforge.net - EXCAVATOR, for the detection of copy number variants (CNVs) from whole-exome sequencing data. EXCAVATOR combines a three-step normalization procedure with a novel heterogeneous hidden Markov model algorithm and a calling method that classifies...
sourceforge.net - AIRVF that works on flowgram, raw and mapped reads and called variants to reduce artifact-driven false variant calls. Tests on sequencing data of standard reference material showed up to ∼98% reduction of false variants when combined to...
github.com - Metabuli 분리 improves metagenomic read classification through metamers, DNA-AA k-mers, to be sensitive and specific, recovering 99% and 98% of DNA or AA classifiers.
Metabuli is metagenomic classifier that jointly analyze both DNA and amino...
bitbucket.org - SimLoRD is a read simulator for third generation sequencing reads and is currently focused on the Pacific Biosciences SMRT error model.
Reads are simulated from both strands of a provided or randomly generated reference sequence.
The reference...
github.com - BFC is a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data. It is specifically designed for high-coverage whole-genome human data, though also performs well for small genomes.
The BFC algorithm is a...
bioinfo.ut.ee - FastGT is a program package for whole-genome genotyping of genome variants directly from raw sequencing reads. It is written in C and runs in Linux. FastGT uses a list of variant-specific k-mer pairs that are unique in human genome, counts the...
github.com - lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads...
github.com - Filtering on quality and/or read length, and optional trimming after passing filters.Reads from stdin, writes to stdout.
Intended to be used:
directly after fastq extraction
prior to mapping
in a stream between extraction and...