- The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named... - The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells.
Computational methods used by the Shasta assembler include:
Using... - KAD is designed for evaluating the accuracy of nucleotide base quality of genome assemblies. Briefly, abundance of k-mers are quantified for both sequencing reads and assembly sequences. Comparison of the two values results in a single value per... - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named... - Maq stands for Mapping and Assembly with Quality It builds assembly by mapping short reads to reference sequences. Maq is a project hosted by The project page is available at - Summary: Mate pair library sequencing is an effective and economical method for detecting genomic structural variants and chromosomal abnormalities. Unfortunately, the mapping and alignment of mate pair read pairs to a reference genome is a... - Choosing whether to use second or third generation sequencing platforms can lead to trade-offs between accuracy and read length. Several studies require long and accurate reads including de novo assembly, fusion and structural variation detection.... - new de novo assembler called BASE. It enhances the classic seed-extension approach by indexing the reads efficiently to generate adaptive seeds that have high probability to appear uniquely in the genome. Such seeds form the basis for BASE... - Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. It can take a set of long reads and produce a smaller, better subset. It uses both read length (longer is better) and read identity (higher is better) when choosing which reads pass the... - LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read...