- PANEV (PAthway NEtwork Visualizer) is an R package set for gene/pathway-based network visualization. Based on information available on KEGG, it visualizes genes within a network of multiple levels (from 1 to n) of interconnected upstream and... - Proksee is an expert system for genome assembly, annotation and visualization. To begin using Proksee, provide a complete genome sequence, sequencing reads or a CGView/Proksee map JSON file. - gSearch compares sequence variants in the Genome Variation Format (GVF) or Variant Call Format (VCF) with a pre-compiled annotation or with variants in other genomes. Its search algorithms are subsequently optimized and implemented in a... - Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. The goal of Bactopia is to process your data with a broad set of tools, so that you can get to the fun part of analyses quicker!
Bactopia can be split into two main... - MGRA (Multiple Genome Rearrangements and Ancestors) is a tool for reconstruction of ancestor genomes and evolutionary history of extant genomes.
It takes as an input a set of genomes represented as sequences of genes (or synteny blocks) and...
The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document - Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display, annotation and management of phylogenetic trees.
Explore your trees directly in the browser, and annotate them with various types of data.
iTOL can easily visualize trees with 50'000... - Generate interactive codon usage plots as used at The input file format can be generated from an Ensembl database using the script from the easy-import pipeline.
live demo - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the... - shinyCircos, a graphical user interface for interactive creation of Circos plot. shinyCircos can be easily installed either on computers for personal use or on local or public servers to provide online use to the community. Furthermore, various...