www.geneontology.org - The GO knowledgebase is composed of two primary components:
the Gene Ontology (GO), which provides the logical structure of the biological functions (‘terms’) and their relationships to one another, manifested as a directed...
ekhidna2.biocenter.helsinki.fi - PANNZER (Protein ANNotation with Z-scoRE) is a fully automated service for functional annotation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins of unknown function. The tool is designed to predict the functional description (DE) and GO...
gitlab.com - CrowdGO is a protein Gene Ontology predictor using a meta approach, analyzing the predictions of other tools in order to get an improved precision and recall.
Please note that the CrowdGO snakemake workflow is currently only tested on Ubuntu. It...
genoplotr.r-forge.r-project.org - genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files.
github.com - A computational pipeline for genome-wide detection of putative horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events based on sequence homology search hit distribution statistics
Authors: Qiyun Zhu (qiyunzhu@gmail.com), Katharina Dittmar...
github.com - MetaEuk is a modular toolkit designed for large-scale gene discovery and annotation in eukaryotic metagenomic contigs. Metaeuk combines the fast and sensitive homology search capabilities of MMseqs2 with a dynamic programming procedure to...
Translational Bioinformatics: Transforming 300 Billion Points of Data into Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and New Insights into Disease
Air date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local...
paleogenomics.irmacs.sfu.ca - This page contains the software ANGES 1.01, that aims at reconstucting ancestral genome maps from homologous markers in extant related genomes.
Program, version 1.01 (July 10, 2012, documentation updated in August 2014)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - While the number of sequenced diploid genomes have been steadily increasing in the last few years, assembly of highly polymorphic (HP) diploid genomes remains challenging. As a result, there is a shortage of tools for assembling HP genomes from the...