- GIGGLE is a genomics search engine that identifies and ranks the significance of genomic loci shared between query features and thousands of genome interval files. GIGGLE ( scales to billions of intervals and is... - Mesquite is modular, extendible software for evolutionary biology, designed to help biologists organize and analyze comparative data about organisms. Its emphasis is on phylogenetic analysis, but some of its modules concern population genetics,... - snakePipes are flexible and powerful workflows built using snakemake that simplify the analysis of NGS data.
Whole Genome Bisulfite Seq/WGBS
(*Also available in... - Dahak is a software suite that integrates state-of-the-art open source tools for metagenomic analyses. Tools in the dahak software suite will perform various steps in metagenomic analysis workflows including data pre-processing, metagenome assembly,... - R is powerful tool for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. And it costs $0 to use! Here are six FREE books you can use to learn R...
Like in case of plant genomes where nature of genome is too complex and huge in size to accomplish complete de novo assembly by current sequencing technology. What would be alternate solution? Can we live in reference free world?
Each chromosome consists of one continuous thread-like molecule of DNA coiled tightly around proteins, and contains a portion of the 6,400,000,000 basepairs (DNA building blocks) that make up your DNA.
Originally created for DNA Interactive (... - We demonstrate a novel approach forlocal alignment of DNA reads with respect to reference genome.For this process we have used Skip-gram model for creatingencoding(Nucl2Vec) and k-nearest neighbor for the alignment.With our new approach we have...