www.zhanyuwang.xin - BAUM, breaks the whole genome into regions by adaptive unique mapping; then the local OLC is used to assemble each region in parallel. BAUM can: (1) perform reference-assisted assembly based on the genome of a close species; (2) or improve the...
github.com - Alonge M, Soyk S, Ramakrishnan S, Wang X, Goodwin S, Sedlazeck FJ, Lippman ZB, Schatz MC: Fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. bioRxiv 2019.
RaGOO is a tool for coalescing genome assembly contigs into...
sourceforge.net - Genobuntu is a software package containing more than 70 software and packages oriented towards NGS. In its current version, Genobuntu supports pre assembly tools, genome assemblers as well as post assembly tools.Commonly used biological software and...
github.com - This repository contains the scripts and pipeline that reproduces the results of the HCMV benchmarking study. In this study we evaluated genome assemblers and variant callers on 10 in vitro generated, mixed strain HCMV sequence samples, each...
In our lab, we seek to characterize and to compare genomes in order to better understand genetic and evolutionary processes linking genotypes to phenotypes.
Sequencing and decoding plant genomes have been integral in our approaches.
https://proksee.ca/ - Proksee is an expert system for genome assembly, annotation and visualization. To begin using Proksee, provide a complete genome sequence, sequencing reads or a CGView/Proksee map JSON file.
Please Cite the Following
Grant JR, Enns E, Marinier E,...
github.com - Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq dataAfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good...
github.com - Other tools focus on getting data out of the fastq or fast5 files, which is slow and computationally intensive. The benefit of this approach is that it works on a single, small, .txt summary file. So it's a lot quicker than most other things out...
github.com - Mix is a tool that combines two or more draft assemblies, without relying on a reference genome and has the goal to reduce contig fragmentation and thus speed-up genome finishing. The proposed algorithm builds an extension graph where vertices...
github.com - NextSV, a meta SV caller and a computational pipeline to perform SV calling from low coverage long-read sequencing data. NextSV integrates three aligners and three SV callers and generates two integrated call sets (sensitive/stringent) for different...