- Motivation: The Oxford Nanopore MinION device represents a unique sequencing technology. As a mobile sequencing device powered by the USB port of a laptop, the MinION has huge potential applications. To enable these applications, the... - visNetwork is an R package for network visualization, using vis.js javascript library ( All remarks and bugs are welcome on github :
Based... - plumber allows you to create a REST API by merely decorating your existing R source code with special comments. Take a look at an example.
# plumber.R
#* Echo back the input
#* @param msg The message to echo
#* @get /echo
function(msg=""){... - The PheWAS R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study. For a description of the methods available and some simple examples, please see the package vignette or the R documentation. For... - Luigi is a Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 tested) package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more.
Run pip... - Snakemake is a workflow engine that provides a readable Python-based workflow definition language and a powerful execution environment that scales from single-core workstations to compute clusters without modifying the workflow. - This part of the documentation describes the snakemake executable. Snakemake is primarily a command-line tool, so the snakemake executable is the primary way to execute, debug, and visualize... - evolverSimControl (eSC) can be used to simulate multi-chromosome genome evolution on an arbitrary phylogeny (Newick format). In addition to simply running evolver, eSC also automatically creates statistical summaries of the simulation...