Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq data (uses pseudoalignment for rapid determination of read compatibility with targets)
Software (C++)
Estimation of isoform abundances...
github.com - Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs
Given benchmark and comparsion sets of SVs, calculate the recall, precision, and f-measure.
Spiral Genetics
bitbucket.org - S-plot2 creates an interactive, two-dimensional heatmap capturing the similarities and dissimilarities in nucleotide usage between genomic sequences (partial or complete). In S-plot2, whole eukaryotic chromosomes and smaller prokaryotic genomes can...
github.com - ULTRA is a tool to find and annotate tandem repeats inside genomic sequence. It is able to find repeats of any length and of any period (up to a maximum period of 4000). It can find highly decayed repeats missed by other software, and it will also...
bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com - SWGIS v2.0 along with the EuGI database, which houses GIs identified in 66 different eukaryotic species, and the EuGI web-resource, provide the first comprehensive resource for studying HGT in...
github.com - git clone https://github.com/lh3/minimap2
cd minimap2 && make
# long sequences against a reference genome
./minimap2 -a test/MT-human.fa test/MT-orang.fa > test.sam
# create an index first and then map
./minimap2 -d MT-human.mmi...
github.com - UPhO finds orthologs with and without inparalogs from input gene family trees. Refer to the Documentation.pdf for more detailed explanations on its usage, installation and dependencies. Type UPhO.py -h for help.
The only input requierement for UPhO...
github.com - AccessSyRI: finding genomic rearrangements andlocal sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies
SyRI, a pairwise whole-genome comparison tool for chromosome-level assemblies. SyRI starts by finding rearranged regions and then searches for...
github.com - SRBreak is a read-depth and split-read package written in R for identifying copy-number variants in next-generation sequencing datasets.
Note: SBReak was designed to work for multiple samples. It can work for >= 2 samples, but we suggest that...