Results for "command-line"


  • ncbi-datasets-cli -- Quickstart: command line tools !

    Install and use the NCBI Datasets command line tools The NCBI Datasets datasets command line tools are datasets and dataformat . Use datasets&nb...

    936 days ago

  • Pangolin tutorial !

    This is a tutorial for using the Pangolin Web Application. For information on using the command line tool, please visit the command line tool usage page.

    933 days ago

  • Snakemake Tutorials !

    A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis. Prerequisites This is an intermediate lesson and assumes learners have already done som...

    783 days ago

  • Human Complete Genome

    Telomere-to-telomere consortium We have sequenced the CHM13hTERT human cell line with a number of technologies. Human genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured cell lin...

    725 days ago

  • Executing Snakemake

    This part of the documentation describes the snakemake executable. Snakemake is primarily a command-line tool, so the snakemake executable is the primary way to execu...

    643 days ago

  • gget

    gget is a free, open-source command-line tool and Python package that enables efficient querying of genomic databases. gget consists of a collection of separate but interoperable modules, each designed to facilitate one type of database querying in a single line of code.

    456 days ago

  • Carrot2 clustering engine

      This is the demo application of the Carrot2 clustering engine. It uses Carrot2's algorithms to organize search results into thematic folders. User inter...

    450 days ago

  • Creating Genetic Maps from GBS data

    Genetic map, as the name suggest is simply knowing the relative positions of specific sequences across the genome. There are various methods to generate them, but most pop...

    296 days ago

  • Alvis: a tool for contig and read ALignment VISualisation and chimera detection

    Alvis, a simple command line tool that can generate visualisations for a number of common alignment analysis tasks. Alvis is a fast and portable tool that accepts input in...

    53 days ago