Results for "dRAD and ddRAD sequencing"


  • How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways

    As a bioinformatics programmer, and crunchy data analyser you nee...le: Go to CPAN Search website and search for the module that That will be very painful and annoying task. I recommend th...ssing parameters...CPAN build and c...e to SamTools library for DNA sequencinglibbiojava-java - Java API to...

    4002 days ago

  • Computer simulation of genetic mechanism !!

    ...e in a dynamic, quantitative, and often, a pictorial way. Much...ate synthetic next-generation sequencing data by mimicking real sequencing process with empirical...GemSIM Next generation sequencing read simulator http://sourcef...nage SNPs under more flexible and useful settings. If you need models...

    3027 days ago

  • +21 more Blogs



Discussion topics


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as th...s, correcting sequence errors and t...s as obtained from ultra-deep sequencing of a mixed sample. The packag...ling and scaffolding Illumina sequencing data of microbial communities...

    2737 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part2 - Kenya

    International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Under ...use by all scientists in East and central Africa. The Platform...Facility: provides assistance and custom programming to project...sp;disease vectors, and&n...: 1. EST clustering 2. Genome sequencing and annotation 3. Functional...

    1235 days ago

Top-level pages

  • BioProgramming

    The completion of the first human genome drafts was just a start of the modern DNA sequencing era which resulted in...T-NGS). The decreasing genome sequencing cost and desire to explore and understand biological machanism at g...e language are not enough to handle all sort of biological needs, whic...

    3999 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological predictions and analysis" -- Jitendra Na...ce data: The primary data of sequencing projects are DNA sequences. T...rgies of different protein ligands) can be characterized by MD simulat...h;219The Genome International Sequencing Consortium (2001) Initial seq...

    3999 days ago

  • +36 more Top-level pages

Wire posts


Opportunity posts

  • Structural polymorphism analysis from NGS data

    The LabEx BASC (Biodiversity, Agroecosystems, Society, Climate) to analyze Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis. I...ship project aiming at understanding and improving the adaptive capaci...has computational facilities and expertise in NGS data analysis, and...

    4000 days ago

  • PhD Positions

    ...into information by software and tools developed both in acade...gical data becoming available and turn biological information i...t consists of high-throughput sequencing of DNA and mRNA of populations and isolates. Fo...perience with high throughput sequencing analysis methods, machine lea...

    4000 days ago

  • +108 more Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts


  • Computational Biology in the 21st Century: Making Sense out of Massive Data

    Computational Biology in the 21st Century: Making Sense out of Massive...en an exponential increase in genomic and biomedical data, which will s...thms, including spectral graph theory and m..., can be used to attack challenges in sequencing, medical genomics and biologi...

    3954 days ago

  • Evolution and Cancer

    ...esources from the circulation and the stroma, to invade local tissues, and to found anatomically distant...o complex biological pathways and systems. These ideas motivate...of genetic methods for understanding biological functions and t...f Medicine from 1990 to 2003; and joined the Princeton University facu...

    3924 days ago

  • +6 more Video


  • Downloading GATK !

    ...ES/FILE gatk forwards commands to GATK and adds some sugar for submittin...Tools that process sequencing machine data, e.g. Illumina base calls, and detect sequencing level attributes, e.g....Collect whole genome sequencing-related metrics. Colle...

    2127 days ago

  • Bash script to download SRA file !

    #We can use the sratoolkit to directly pull the sequence data (in downloading data from a particular sequencing run ID fastq-dump The --split-files part of the command e...s we get two files, one for the first and second mate in each pair. We'll use...

    1611 days ago

  • +4 more Bio-Scripts



  • Python Everywhere

    Python Everywhere

    Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effec...icient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approa...gramming. Python’s elegant syntax and d...://

    3997 days ago

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    This group meant to discuss different sequencing methods and their data analysis. Now, sequencing is almost one of the most popular technique scientific fraternity pursue worldwide to comprehand the genomic complexity of all the or...

    3959 days ago

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