Results for "wrapper"


  • BBTools for bioinformatician ! only run single-ended or paired-ended in a single run, but it has a wrapper that can accomplish it, like...tinuity information (L50, N50, etc), you can run stats on each or statswrapper on all of them: Code: sta...

    2310 days ago


  • Citrus Perl

    Citrus Perl is a binary distribution of Perl created for GUI application developers. The distribution includes wxPerl, the Perl wrapper for wxWidgets. Where supported by the operating system wxWidgets is available as a package for the 2.8.x stable branch and the 2.9.x development branch.

    3956 days ago

  • OPERA : Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler

    ...enchmarks, it has significantly improved corrected N50 and reduced the number of scaffolding errors. Furthermore, our latest release contains the wrapper script OPERA-long-read that e...

    2835 days ago

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Top-level pages


  • pybedtools

    pybedtools is a Python wrapper for Aaron Quinlan's BEDtools programs (, which are widely used for genomic interval manipulation or "genome algebra...

    3586 days ago


  • Commands to install conda in Ubuntu !

    ...ash functions (such as SHA256 and RIPEMD160), a nd various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, RSA, ElGamal, etc.). pyopenssl A thin Python wrapper around (a subset of) the Open...

    1551 days ago

  • Print in terminal with python !

    #!/usr/bin/env python import time import curses def pbar(window): height, width = window.getmaxyx() for i in range(10): window.addstr(height -1, 0, "[" + ("=" * i) + ">" + (" " * (10 - i )) + "]") window.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) curses.wrapper(pbar)

    1018 days ago


  • jobTree based python wrapper to run the genome simulation tool suite Evolver

    evolverSimControl (eSC) can be used to simulate multi-chromosome genome evolution on an arbitrary phylogeny (Newick format). In addition to simply running evolver, eSC also automatically creates statistical summaries of the simulation as it runs including text and image files. Also...

    Tags: jobTree, python, wrapper, genome, simulation, tool, suite, Evolver

    2379 days ago

  • PilonGrid: parallel wrapper around the Pilon framework

    The distribution is a parallel wrapper around the Pilon framework The pipeline is composed of bash scripts, an example mapping.fofn which shows how to input your fastq files (you give paths to the R1 file), and how to launch the pipeline.  

    Tags: PilonGrid, parallel, wrapper, Pilon, framework

    2009 days ago

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