Results for "Human microbiome"


  • Scalpel

    A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an algorithm, called Scalpel, for finding insertions and d...K HaplotypeCaller and SOAPindel in test runs on both simulated and real whole human exom...

    3583 days ago

  • Deadly Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Sequenced

    "Now, researchers have sequenced the entire genome and all the RNA products of the most important pathogenic line...virulent." Source:

    3699 days ago

  • Scientists map 17,294 proteins produced in human body

    Indian scientists missed the genomic profiling bus, but they've m...for it by creating the first human proteome map which is an direct equivalent for the human proteome. But recently two the large majority of the human proteome. The Indian scienti...around 20,500 proteins in the human body...

    3666 days ago

  • The 8000 years old Tibetian gene mutation !!!

    A new study has provided insight into how gene mutation around 8,000 years ago helped Tibetans' to survive in the...a single DNA base pair. Today, a relatively short time later on the scale of human hist...

    3582 days ago

  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    Chromosomes are present in every cell of our body and they contain the information the...chromosomal translocations for the first time in a human cell line and in primary cell...3 cells and also generated the ES translocation in human mese...

    3616 days ago

  • Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever !!!

    Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness in humans, caused by the Ebola virus....four viruses cause disease in humans. They are Bundibugyo virus (...ered to be disease-causing in humans.According to WHO, EVD first...e is no vaccine available for humans. Bu...

    3592 days ago

  • A comprehensive atlas of human gene activity released !!!

    A large international consortium of researchers has produced the the major cells and tissues of the human body. The findings describe at building a complete library of human genes. Researchers studied h...,000 enhancers across a wide range of human cell...

    3569 days ago

  • Ensembl 77 has been released!

    New updates in e!77 !! Updated human gene set (GENCODE 21) Updated rat gene set includi...rted Transcript Support Levels (TSLs) from UCSC for human and mouse Imported APPRIS flag for human and...

    3536 days ago

  • Genome Origami

    There are several interesting factoid about our genomes, one of them is their folding....Blog highlights new research illustrating how the human genome folds inside the cell&

    3468 days ago

  • Illumina Smartphone Chip !!!

    Illumina, the company that claims it brought human genome sequencing down to $1000 prices, has now turned its attention to a consumer product - a chip that you can plug into you...

    3450 days ago