Results for "Mate pair sequencing"




Discussion topics


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...o Genome AssemblerPRICE (Paired-Read Iterative Contig Extension)...ormation of paired-end and/or matepair data, SSPACE is able to assess...nd reads from high throughput sequencing platforms, e.g. Illumina and...clean sequence data from automated DNA sequencers prior to sequence a...

    2729 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part2 - Kenya

    International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Under   a   NE...; Kingdom to provide access to courses and training mate...s of research interest: 1. EST clustering 2. Genome sequencing and annotation 3. Functional...

    1227 days ago

Top-level pages

  • BioProgramming

    The completion of the first human genome...s was just a start of the modern DNA sequencing era which resulted in further...ed strategies of high-throughput DNA sequencing, so called the “high-th...quo; (HT-NGS). The decreasing genome sequencing cost and desire to explore an...

    3991 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...ences. Some completely automated annotation systems have been...f phylogenetic trees from the pairwise differences between sequences:...sting drug targets. It is estimated that membrane receptors form 50 %...h;219The Genome International Sequencing Consortium (2001) Initial seq...

    3990 days ago

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  • Python Everywhere

    Python Everywhere

    Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your.... Python and BioPython tutorial link @

    3989 days ago

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    This group meant to discuss different sequencing methods and their data analysis. Now, sequencing is almost one of the most popular technique scientific fraternity pursue worldwide to comprehand the genomic comple...

    3950 days ago

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