Results for "Identity"



  • Next generation sequencing(NGS) books

    Employing different technologies, the purpose of NGS platform is to decode the identity or modification on the nucleotides. NGS platforms evolve quickly and capture the main stream. This bookmark is created to provide NGS online books links.

    3656 days ago

  • Beagle

    ...type calling, genotype phasing, imputation of ungenotyped markers, and identity-by-descent segment detection....ning and S R Browning (2013). Improving the accuracy and efficiency of identity-by-descent detection in popul...

    2775 days ago

  • +16 more Bookmarks

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Wire posts

  • The #Uniclust90, #Uniclust50, #Uniclust30 databases cluster #UniProtKB sequences at the level of 90%, 50% and 30% pairwise sequence identity.

    970 days ago


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