Results for "Bioconductor"




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  • If you are looking for good R & Bioconductor Manual visit #R #BioConductor

    4067 days ago

  • Load the ShortRead and BiocParallel packages for NGS data analysis in R #bioconductor #R #qualitycheck

    3764 days ago

  • +14 more Wire posts


  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

    ...analysis or visualization. All these workflows are implemented in R/Bioconductor. The work ows cover the most.... Note: You need to update to current release versions of R(3.0.2)/ Bioconductor(2.13) to use all the features...

    3972 days ago

  • Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA)

    ...and improve reproducibility, see (Leek and Storey 2007 PLoS Genetics, 2008 PNAS or Leek et al. 2011 Nat. Reviews Genetics). More at

    3613 days ago

Opportunity posts


  • Installing SEVA environment in Conda !

    ...##################### | 100% bioconductor-iranges | 2.4 MB | #######...##################### | 100% bioconductor-biocins | 62 KB | #######...##################### | 100% bioconductor-xvector | 724 KB | #######...##################### | 100% bioconductor-biostri | 13.8 MB | #######...

    976 days ago

  • Install R in Ubuntu / Linux !

    ...mming language originally released in 1995. It is heavily used in the bioinformatics community largely due to numerous R libraries available on bioconductor. It takes a several minutes t...

    962 days ago



  • R and Bioconductor

    R and Bioconductor

    ...with the availability of huge genomic data and biological packages. Bioconductor provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. Bioconductor uses the R statistical progra...

    4089 days ago


  • Jitendra Narayan

    BioinformaticsOnline(BOL) founder. Within the broad domain of bioinformatics and computational biology, I mainly focus on chromosomal breakpoint and amniotes evolution. I (We) develop certain computational pipeline, and algorithms to harness the huge amount ...

    Skills: Bioinformatics, R, Bioconductor, Perl, BioPerl, Java, BioJava

    46 days ago
