AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in your applications. With just a few lines of code, you can train and deploy high-accuracy machine learning and deep learning models on text,...
The Breeding API (BrAPI) project is an effort to enable interoperability among plant breeding databases. BrAPI is a standardized RESTful web service API specification for communicating plant breeding data. This community driven standard is free to...
Breeding Insight at Cornell University will leverage recent improvements in genomics and open source informatics components, and in partnership with small breeding programs, will enable these programs to harness powerful digital...
Breedbase is a comprehensive breeding management and analysis software. It can be used to design field layouts, collect phenotypic information using tablets, support the collection of genotyping samples in a field, store large amounts of high...
To build open-source genomic data management and analysis tools to enable breeders to implement genomic and marker-assisted selection as part of their routine breeding programs.
To transform breeding by connecting diverse data with precision...
This books assumes that the reader has some knowledge of biology and basic understanding of the Unix command line. However, for the beginner, the appendix contains introductory material and tips/tricks for common bioinformatic problems, that is...