This pangenome graph construction pipeline renders a collection of sequences into a pangenome graph (in the variation graph model). Its goal is to build a graph that is locally directed and acyclic while preserving large-scale variation. Maintaining...
Using KAT again (You will need the modules: KAT/2.1.1 and gnuplot/4.6.5) – we can plot the kmer content of the assembly compared to the kmer content of the read set. The first thing we need to do is to combine the reads into a...
Reapr is a tool trying to find explicit errors in the assembly based on incongruently mapped reads. It is heavily based on too low span coverage, or reads mapping too far or too close to each other. The program will also break up...
Huge amounts of genotype data are being produced with recent technological advances, both from increasingly comprehensive and inexpensive genome-wide SNP microarrays and from ever more accessible whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing methods