- Janggu is a python package that facilitates deep learning in the context of genomics. The package is freely available under a GPL-3.0 license.
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USE... - We aim to provide readers with a gentle introduction to a few key machine learning techniques, including the most recently developed and widely used techniques involving deep neural networks. We describe how different techniques may be suited to... - Most of the time we face some biological problems while analysing our data computationally. This bookmark is being created to provide list of all free online courses at one place. If you know any other good online cource resources to learn biology... - Institute of computational biomedicine, Cornell University provide an NGS workshop tutorial at
You can also add your favourite NGS educational material, or workshop tutorial by commenting on this... - This is a tutorial for a workshop on long-read (PacBio) genome assembly.
It demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequencing reads to assemble a bacterial genome, and includes additional steps for circularising, trimming, finding plasmids, and...
During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and sealing of the resulting recombined molecules happens. The “chromosomal breakpoints” refers to these places where they break. - Orange Bioinformatics extends Orange, a data mining software package, with common functionality for bioinformatics. The provided functionality can be accessed as a Python library or through a visual programming interface (Orange Canvas). The latter...