Part of the reason R has become so popular is the vast array of packages available at the cran and bioconductor repositories. In the last few years, the number of packages has grown exponentially!
This is a short post giving steps on how to... - First step: Install & load “VennDiagram” package.
# install.packages('VennDiagram')
Second step: Load data
Add filepath if “catdoge.csv” is not in working-directory.
d <-... - statistical analysis and visulization of functional profiles for genes and gene clustersBioconductor version: Release (3.3)This package implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles (GO and KEGG) of gene and gene clusters.Author:... - This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that biologists need to perform some basic analysis: load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More...
This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that biologists need to perform some basic analysis: load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More...
R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including options, are in brackets. Note that all dat and options are separated by a comma
Function(data, options)
Even quit is a function
So is...