- UniAligner (formerly, TandemAligner) is the first parameter-free algorithm for sequence alignment that introduces a sequence-dependent alignment scoring that automatically changes for any pair of compared sequences. Classical alignment approaches,... - Added Command line argument support.
Multi-stage execution modes.
Support for parallelization. Now execution proceeds in batches of long reads the size of which can be set by --long_read_batch_size N.
Better compressed intermediate files.
Added... - vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data. - Excellent article to introduce different sequencing methods along with tools for de novo assembly of sequencing reads and their relevant references.
Title: Comparison of Short Read De Novo Alignment Algorithms
Author: Nikhil Gopal - This code is designed to enable anyone to reproduce the Hs2-HiC and the AaegL4 genomes reported in: Dudchenko et al., De novo assembly of the Aedes aegypti genome using Hi-C yields chromosome-length scaffolds. Science, 2017.
Unless otherwise... - MEC, to identify and correct misassemblies in contigs. Firstly, MEC takes fragment coverage as the feature to detect the candidate misassemblies. Then, it can distinguish a large number of false positives from the candidate misassemblies based on... - SvABA is a method for detecting structural variants in sequencing data using genome-wide local assembly. Under the hood, SvABA uses a custom implementation of SGA (String Graph Assembler) by Jared Simpson, and BWA-MEM by Heng Li.... - Given a de novo assembly, we often measure the “average” contig length by N50. N50 is neither the real average nor median. It is the length of the contig such that this and longer contigs cover at least 50% of the assembly. A... - Pilon is a software tool which can be used to:
Automatically improve draft assemblies
Find variation among strains, including large event detection
Pilon requires as input a FASTA file of the genome along with one or more BAM files of reads... - PANDASEQ is a program to align Illumina reads, optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence, and reconstruct an overlapping sequence.
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