- An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is... - visNetwork is an R package for network visualization, using vis.js javascript library ( All remarks and bugs are welcome on github :
Based... - Overlapping gene lists can reveal biological meanings and may lead to novel hypotheses. For example, histone modification is an important cellular mechanism that can pack and re-pack chromatin. By making the chromatin structure more dense or loose,... - chromoMap provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization of chromosomes or chromosomal regions allowing users to map chromosome elements (like genes,SNPs etc.) on the chromosome plot.Each chromosome is composed of... - PANEV (PAthway NEtwork Visualizer) is an R package set for gene/pathway-based network visualization. Based on information available on KEGG, it visualizes genes within a network of multiple levels (from 1 to n) of interconnected upstream and... - The QuasR package (short for Quantify and annotate short reads in R) integrates the functionality of several R packages (such as IRanges (Lawrence et al. 2013) and Rsamtools) and external software (e.g. bowtie, through the Rbowtie package, and... - ReConPlot (REarrangement and COpy Number PLOT), an R package that provides functionalities for the joint visualization of SCNAs and SVs across one or multiple chromosomes. ReConPlot is based on the popular ggplot2 package, thus allowing... - Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq dataAfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good...