www.science.org - Telomere-to-telomere consortium
We have sequenced the CHM13hTERT human cell line with a number of technologies. Human genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured cell line. As the DNA is native, modified bases will be preserved. The data includes...
github.com - The Genome Context Viewer (GCV) is a web-app that visualizes genomic context data provided by third party services. Specifically, it uses functional annotations as a unit of search and comparison. By adopting a common set of annotations, data-store...
https://js.cgview.ca/ - CGView.js is a Circular Genome Viewing tool for visualizing and interacting with small genomes. This software is an adaptation of the Java program CGView.
CGView.js is the genome viewer of Proksee, an expert system for genome...
lncRNAs are the hidden gems of the genome, and bioinformatics is the key to unearthing their full potential. As research progresses, lncRNAs could pave the way for novel diagnostics, targeted therapies, and personalized medicine, revolutionizing...
microscope.readthedocs.org - Microscope Platform user documentation.
The MicroScope platform is available at this URL:
genomebiology.biomedcentral.com - REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It can be used in any stage of an assembly pipeline to automatically break incorrect scaffolds and...
github.com - SEASTAR (Systematic Evaluation of Alternative STArt site in RNA) is a software package for Transcription Start Site (TSS) identification and quantification using only RNA-seq data. It assembles novel TSSs based only on RNA-Seq data and merges them...
http://mgra.cblab.org/ - MGRA (Multiple Genome Rearrangements and Ancestors) is a tool for reconstruction of ancestor genomes and evolutionary history of extant genomes.
It takes as an input a set of genomes represented as sequences of genes (or synteny blocks) and...