- MUM&Co is able to detect:Deletions, insertions, tandem duplications and tandem contractions (>=50bp & <=150kb)Inversions (>=1kb) and translocations (>=10kb) - The ATCC Genome Portal (AGP, is a database of authenticated genomes for bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses held in ATCC’s biorepository. It now includes 3,938 assemblies (253% increase) produced under ISO... - Proksee is an expert system for genome assembly, annotation and visualization. To begin using Proksee, provide a complete genome sequence, sequencing reads or a CGView/Proksee map JSON file.
Please Cite the Following
Grant JR, Enns E, Marinier E,... - UnCoVar: Workflow for Transparent and Robust Virus Variant Calling, Genome Reconstruction and Lineage Assignment
Using state of the art tools, easily extended for other viruses
Tool and database updates for critical components via...
Tutorial for PSI-BLAST, an extension of BLAST that uses matrix algebra. BLAST is a cornerstone bioinformatics tool at NCBI. BLAST is the
Basic Local Alignment Search tool and will protein and DNA sequences that
are... - Satsuma is a whole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, computes alignments, and then keeps only the parts that are orthologous, i.e. following the conserved order and orientation of features, such as protein coding genes,... - Kaiju is a program for the taxonomic classification of metagenomic high-throughput sequencing reads. Each read is directly assigned to a taxon within the NCBI taxonomy by comparing it to a reference database containing microbial and viral protein... - Sequence - Evolution - Function is an introduction to the computational approaches that play a critical role in the emerging new branch of biology known as functional genomics. The book provides the reader with an understanding of the... - Supports Illumina, 454, other Next-Gen and Sanger Reads and allows mixtures of these read types
Consed includes BamScape which can view bam files with unlimited numbers of reads. BamScape can bring up consed to edit reads and the reference sequence... - A general-purpose program to manipulate and parse information from FASTA/FASTQ files, supporting gzipped input files. Includes functions to interleave and de-interleave FASTQ files, to rename sequences and...