- Gblocks eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of a DNA or protein alignment so that it becomes more suitable for phylogenetic analysis. This server implements the most important features of the Gblocks program to make its... - FGENESH is the fastest (50-100 times faster than GenScan) and most accurate gene finder available - see the figure and the table below. In recent rice genome sequencing projects, it was cited "the most successful (gene finding) program (Yu et... - For a detailed description of the pipeline and how it integrates with other tools designed by the Aiden Lab see Genome Assembly Cookbook on
For the original version of the pipeline and to reproduce the... - ExRec (Exclusion of Recombined DNA) is a Python pipeline that implements the four-gamete test to filter out recombined DNA sites from up to thousands of DNA sequence loci. The pipeline consists of five standalone applications: the first two convert... - Often, genome assembly projects have illumina whole genome sequencing reads available for the assembled individual. The k-mer spectrum of this read set can be used for independently evaluating assembly quality without the need of a high quality... - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is... - PERGA - Paired End Reads Guided Assembler
PERGA is a novel sequence reads guided de novo assembly approach which adopts greedy-like prediction strategy for assembling reads to contigs and scaffolds. Instead of using single-end reads to construct...