www.weizmann.ac.il - Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs...
github.com - gget is a free, open-source command-line tool and Python package that enables efficient querying of genomic databases. gget consists of a collection of separate but interoperable modules, each designed to facilitate one type of...
biokit.readthedocs.io - BioKit is a set of tools dedicated to bioinformatics, data visualisation (biokit.viz), access to online biological data (e.g. UniProt, NCBI thanks to bioservices). It also contains more advanced tools related to data analysis...
www.ploscompbiol.org - Centralized Bioinformatics Core Facilities provide shared resources for the computational and IT requirements of the investigators in their department or institution. As such, they must be able to effectively react to new types of experimental...
It is often necessary to import sample textbook data into R before you start working on your homework.
Excel File
Quite frequently, the sample data is in Excel format, and needs to be imported into R prior to use. For this, we can...
NCBI Hackathon are pleased to announce the second installment of the SoCal Bioinformatics Hackathon. From January 9-11, 2019, the NCBI will help run a bioinformatics hackathon in Southern California hosted by the Computational Sciences Research...
www.melbournebioinformatics.org.au - Written and maintained by Simon Gladman - Melbourne Bioinformatics (formerly VLSCI)
Protocol Overview / Introduction
In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of de novo assembly for small to medium sized...
amp.pharm.mssm.edu - With BioJupies you can produce in seconds a customized, reusable, and interactive report from your own raw or processed RNA-seq data through a simple user interface
BioJupies now supports user accounts! Sign in from the top right corner of the page...
clauswilke.com - The book is meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. It has grown out of my experience of working with students and postdocs in my laboratory on thousands of data...