JRF Bioinformatics Jobs recruitment in Indian Institute of Spices Research on temporary basis
Name of the Scheme : Distributed Information Sub Centre – DISC
Qualifications : M.Sc/ B Tech in Bioinformatics with NET/GATE or M Tech in...
ucdavis-bioinformatics-training.github.io - Our team offers custom bioinformatics services to academic and private organizations. We have a strong academic background with a focus on cutting edge, open source software. We replicate standard analysis pipelines (best practices) when...
Part of the reason R has become so popular is the vast array of packages available at the cran and bioconductor repositories. In the last few years, the number of packages has grown exponentially!
This is a short post giving steps on how to...
The Vicoso group investigates how sex chromosomes evolve over time, and what biological forces are driving their patterns of differentiation.
The Vicoso group is interested in understanding several aspects of the biology of sex chromosomes, and...
Research Associate Bioinformatics job position in Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI)
Qualification : Ph.D. in Bioinformatics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Life Science/...
The real bioinformatics scope lies if there are research labs which work in this field. One has to take account of that. If so then try to get information of those labs and visit them to get a hang of the work they pursue. For detail...
www.science.org - Telomere-to-telomere consortium
We have sequenced the CHM13hTERT human cell line with a number of technologies. Human genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured cell line. As the DNA is native, modified bases will be preserved. The data includes...
Short-term training/Final year dissertation project
Candidates desirous of doing a short-term training / final year dissertation project for MSc (Life Sciences/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology or any science discipline) at UIAR Biophysics and...
github.com - The Genome Context Viewer (GCV) is a web-app that visualizes genomic context data provided by third party services. Specifically, it uses functional annotations as a unit of search and comparison. By adopting a common set of annotations, data-store...