eyechrom.com - It's goal is to show chromosmal data per genus. Select the genus, and the plot will show the records found for it in the Chromosome Counts Database. note: Report an issue via Gihub: github.com/roszenil/CCDBcurator and...
sysomics.com - DeepHiC is a GAN-based model for enhancing Hi-C data resolution. We developed this server for helping researchers to enhance their own low-resolution data by a few steps of clicks. Ab initio training could be performed according to our published...
www.encodeproject.org - The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse...
https://www.kubeflow.org/ - The Kubeflow project is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning (ML) workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable and scalable. Our goal is not to recreate other services, but to provide a straightforward way to deploy best-of-breed...
http://genometools.org/ - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named...
Computational Biologists
Open to PhD-student and Post-doc candidates
We are looking for wet and computational biologists to work on an ERC funded project in our
laboratory located at the Department of Experimental Oncology of the European...
github.com - Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq dataAfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good...
github.com - Other tools focus on getting data out of the fastq or fast5 files, which is slow and computationally intensive. The benefit of this approach is that it works on a single, small, .txt summary file. So it's a lot quicker than most other things out...