- RNA Seq
Basic Galaxy Tutorial
RNA-Seq tutorial based on Trapnell et al. (2012) Nature Protocols
In this tutorial we cover the concepts of RNA-Seq differential gene expression (DGE) analysis using a very small synthetic dataset from a well...
Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms. The field includes intensive efforts to determine the entire DNA sequence of organisms and fine-scale genetic mapping efforts. The field also includes studies of intragenomic phenomena such as... - Library of usual classes and functions written in python and used in the Dyogen team for comparative genomics applications.
Collaborative python library used in the DYOGEN teamfor studying the evolution of gene order in... - A phylogeny based comparative genomics software to analyze the genetic environment of genes. The user can select one or several taxa and provide one or several reference protein(s). Genomes and plasmids (based on user choice) will be downloaded from... - A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis.
This is an intermediate lesson and assumes learners have already done some bioinformatics:
Familiarity with the BASH command shell, including... - The primary goal of the course is for students to be grounded in theory and leave the course empowered to conduct independent genomic analyses. We will study the leading computational and quantitative approaches for comparing and analyzing...
14th annual conference in Bioinformatics
Date : June 10-13
Organizers: The Society for Bioinformatics in Northern European countries (SocBiN) and the Norwegian Bioinformatics Platform / ELIXIR.NO
Venue: Department of Informatics,...
In Bio-informatics based genome sequencing and predicting metabolic pathways research jobs I used Matlab, SAS, SPSS, R and several Bioconductor packages. Matlab had a lot of powerful tools and was easy to use, whereas SPSS is for...
Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine
The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays have revolutionised biology. Making the most of this revolution requires the...
They are based in the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge.
The research covers diverse areas of evolutionary biology, and molecular evolution in particular. It combines theoretical and empirical approaches, and particularly...