Results for "Explore"


  • Manshi Raghubanshi

    About me: I recently join Bioinformatics as a post grad student. My interest is in genomics and next generation sequencing technologies. I love to explore the area and do my research in it.

    3501 days ago

  • Harshitha G R

    About me: I intend to pursue my career in genomic research as I am interested to learn and integrate genomic data through informatics infrastructure to explore their complications....

    3157 days ago

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  • Bioinformatics Codes Search

    I bet, this website will be your best friend in near future. This helps us to explore the existing open source codes and learn from it. You can find some useful open source bioinform...

    4054 days ago

  • Google Genomics

    Google Genomics provides an API to store, process, explore, and share DNA sequence reads, reference-based al...utes or hours, by using parallel computing frameworks like MapReduce. Explore data by slicing alignments an...

    3627 days ago

  • +25 more Bookmarks



Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Explore the math with demos #math #demo #equation #graph #plot

    2634 days ago

  • Explore the DNA with deep learning ! #Learn #DNA #Deep #Learning #AI #Machine

    1698 days ago


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Rolland-Lagan lab in computational and developmental biology. We use a combination of experimental work, microscopy, image analysis and computer simulations to explore developmental mechanisms in t...

    4086 days ago

  • Mathivanan Lab

    ...teins and membrane vesicles) in cancer and intercellular communication. The lab integrates proteomic, genomic and bioinformatics methodologies to explore cancer cells. More at htt...

    4018 days ago

  • +4 more ResearchLabs posts


