G-compass (http://www.h-invitational.jp/g-compass/) is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2)....
CrusView is a java based tool for karyotype/genome visualization and comparison of crucifer Species. It also integrates an binary version of KGBassembler and a post-modification step for its assembling result.
Bioinformatics education is often limited to technical education about coding or utilization of code-line tools, however what is significantly lacking is an appreciation of big data and multi-omics challenges related to solving important and...
To remove all line ends (\n) from a Unix text file:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' filename.txt > newfilename_oneline.txt
To get average for a column of numbers (here the second column $2):
awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n;...
Pine Biotech is developing a project-based approach to online, effective workshops in bioinformatics. The resources are supplemented by a full online learning environment.