#Nanopore GPU #basecalling using# GUPPY on #UBUNTU 18.04 and @nvidia docker v2 with a RTX 2080 @kepler_00/nanopore-gpu-basecalling-using-guppy-on-ubuntu-18-04-and-nvidia-docker-v2-w" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@kepler_00/nanopore-gpu-basecalling-using-guppy-on-ubuntu-18-04-and-nvidia-docker-v2-w
Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads....
DMINDA (DNA motif identification and analyses) is an integrated web server for DNA motif identification and analyses
More at http://bmbl.sdstate.edu/DMINDA2/
identify potential contaminants or horizontally transferred genes in transcriptomes.
algorithm is based on alogorithm described in the following: Gladyshev, Eugene A., Matthew Meselson, and Irina R. Arkhipova. "Massive horizontal gene transfer in...
For a detailed description of the pipeline and how it integrates with other tools designed by the Aiden Lab see Genome Assembly Cookbook on http://aidenlab.org/assembly.
For the original version of the pipeline and to reproduce the...