cisMuton is a caller that detects SNVs/indels by comparing target (foreground) and control (background) samples.
cisMuton calls mutations from target capture regions, which are defined by the overlapping regions...
Because one base is sequenced per cycle, the total number of cycles indicates the maximum number of bases that can be sequenced. You can use sequencing reagents to generate single continuous reads or for paired-end sequencing in both directions....
Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike...
Leaflet is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript libraries for interactive maps.
Interactive panning/zooming
Compose maps using arbitrary combinations of:
PANEV (PAthway NEtwork Visualizer) is an R package set for gene/pathway-based network visualization. Based on information available on KEGG, it visualizes genes within a network of multiple levels (from 1 to n) of interconnected upstream and...
FaBI emerged from the respective groups of the four founding societies GI (German Informatics Society), DECHEMA (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology), GBM (Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and GDCh (German Chemical...
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is a policy-framing and technical standards-setting organization, seeking to enable responsible genomic data sharing within a human rights framework.
GA4GH core funders and sponsors enable our...