www.weizmann.ac.il - Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs...
github.com - gget is a free, open-source command-line tool and Python package that enables efficient querying of genomic databases. gget consists of a collection of separate but interoperable modules, each designed to facilitate one type of...
bioinformaticsworkbook.org - Genetic map, as the name suggest is simply knowing the relative positions of specific sequences across the genome. There are various methods to generate them, but most popular method is to use a cross between the known parents and examining their...
The choice of visualization can significantly impact the insights gained from bioinformatics data. By selecting plots tailored to your data type and analysis goals, you can effectively communicate your findings and make your research more impactful....
http://ga4gh.org/#/ - GA4GH Data Working Group
Led by David Haussler (UCSC) and Richard Durbin (Sanger Institute), the Data Working Group (DWG) of the Global Alliance brings together the leading Genome Institutes and Centers with IT industry leaders to create global...
www.well.ox.ac.uk - Platypus is a tool designed for efficient and accurate variant-detection in high-throughput sequencing data. By using local realignment of reads and local assembly it achieves both high sensitivity and high specificity. Platypus can detect...
The genome of 130 mammals was sequenced by a large international consortium and the data was analyzed together with 110 existing genomes to allow scientists to identify the important positions in the DNA.
github.com - Tools for making blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Coverage plots (TAGC plots) to visualise the contents of genome assembly data sets as a QC step
Blaxter Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh
Goal: To create blobplots or...
academic.oup.com - GMcloser uses likelihood-based classifiers calculated from the alignment statistics between scaffolds, contigs and paired-end reads to correctly assign contigs or long reads to gap regions of scaffolds, thereby achieving accurate and efficient gap...