ftp.ncbi.nih.gov - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ...
www.weizmann.ac.il - Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs...
lh3.github.io - Heng Li posted several issues with the human reference genomes given in these resources and suggests the following compressed FASTA file to be used as hg38/GRCh38 human reference genome.
if you map reads to GRCh38 or hg38, use the...
github.com - Phylogenomic Analysis Pipeline for Herbarium Specimens
What is PhyloHerb: PhyloHerb is a wrapper program to process genome skimming data collected from plant materials. The outcomes include the plastid genome (plastome) assemblies,...
github.com - Genome U-Plot for producing clear and intuitive graphs that allows researchers to generate novel insights and hypotheses by visualizing SVs such as deletions, amplifications, and chromoanagenesis events. The main features of the Genome U-Plot are...
github.com - GRSR is a Tool for Deriving Genome Rearrangement Scenarios for Multiple Uni-chromosomal Genomes. This tool will do the following steps:
Step 1. Run mugsy to get multiple sequence alignment results.
Step 2 & 3. Extraction of the Coordinates...
www.genomicus.bio.ens.psl.eu - Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time.
Once a query gene has been entered, it...