Results for "genome structure"




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Top-level pages

  • BioProgramming

    The completion of the first human genome drafts was just a start of the modern DNA sequenc...ration sequencing” (HT-NGS). The decreasing genome sequencing cost and desire to...ogically suitable language to handle ever growing genome or...

    3999 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...tion of a protein. Protein 3D structures are stored in specific datab...s DataBase for the C. elegans genome, FLYBASE for D. melanogaster etc...tion. The increased speed of structure determination necessary for can be analysed for whole genomes. Protein–protein interact...

    3999 days ago

  • +51 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • VISTA is a comprehensive suite of programs and databases for comparative analysis of genomic sequences ! #Genomics #Seq

    3570 days ago

  • Generate N base genome: perl -e '@b=qw/A T G C/;print ">Genome\n";while($l<N){print @b[int(rand(4))];$l++;}' #Tipsoftheday #Perl

    3954 days ago

  • +183 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Papenfuss Lab

    The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which ca...quence data in cancer Methods for analysis of structural variation in cancer genomes...

    4000 days ago

  • Smyth Lab

    Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays have revolution...

    4000 days ago

  • +56 more ResearchLabs posts






  • Tryst with a Bioinformatician # Dr Altan Kara

    ...403)) is, applying a bioinformatics-supported genome, transcriptome, proteome, and...ithin the scope of the project. The molecular structures involved in the development...another pipeline for prokaryotic TCS protein structure prediction and inhibitor desi...

    2414 days ago


  • Genome Hackers

    Genome Hackers

    INTIMATE secrets hidden in your DNA could be stolen without you even a glass from which you have drunk, a "genome hacker" could obtain a comprehensive scan of your genome, revealing DNA variants that...t or bioinformatician you hack the entire genome to...

    4004 days ago

  • BOL Virtual Research Group

    BOL Virtual Research Group

    Our research interest falls in the broad field of bioinformatics and, more for motif finding Biclustering algorithms Genome Assembly Developement of n...mbly procedure Comparative genomics approaches in genome as...

    3995 days ago

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