Results for "Reasons"




  • Ruby Language

    ...Programming Ruby The Top 10 Reasons The Ruby Programming Language Sucks

    4086 days ago

  • Linux SSH Client Commands for Bioinformatics

    ...the remote host is changed after you logged in for the first time, you may get a warning message as shown below. This could be because of various reasons such as 1) Sysadmin upgraded/...

    3844 days ago

Top-level pages


  • Github replacement !

    For a number of reasons researchers have been trying out GitLab as a replacement for for both GitHub and various continuous integration systems, and have be...

    1822 days ago

Opportunity posts



  • The 5 reasons to mistakes at bioinformatics work !!!

    When you're just starting out with biological programming, it's easy to run into complex problems that make you wonder how anyone has ever managed to write a program. There are some problems that trip up nearly every bioinformatician--everything from getting started understanding the biological p...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Mistakes, Rules, Deadline, Reasons

    2245 days ago
