First, state a clear objective of your future task and the reasons for picking this individual Ph.D. program.
Provide the info regarding your previous scholastic and professional experience. You can also include teaching and research experience, work outside an academic field, and even volunteering, given that all matter, in terms of the abilities and expertise you gained. All your experiences must, in some way, attach to your picked Ph.D. program, as you would need to define just how your scholastic, as well as professional achievements, make you a beneficial candidate for the Ph.D. degree/Research position you are related to.
Your applications are not just sorted out in the same way as any other random application. There are processes involved without which your chances of getting in may be reduced.
There is a demand to recognize if you’re qualified to do a research/degree position while writing an application. Hence, the motivation letter is the perfect insight into what you genuinely are and anticipate doing it justice.