- GraphUnzip, a fast, memory-efficient and accurate tool to unzip assembly graphs into their constituent haplotypes using long reads and/or Hi-C data. As GraphUnzip only connects sequences in the assembly graph that already had a potential link based... - LoReTTA (Long Read Template-Targeted Assembler), a tool designed for performing de novo assembly of long reads generated from viral genomes on the PacBio platform. LoReTTA exploits a reference genome to guide the assembly process, an approach that... - LACHESIS is method that exploits contact probability map data (e.g. from Hi-C) for chromosome-scale de novo genome assembly.
Further information about LACHESIS, including source code, documentation and a user's guide are available... - Ranbow is a haplotype assembler for polyploid genomes. It has been developed for the haplotype assembly of the hexaploid sweet potato genome, which is highly heterozygous. Ranbow can also be applied to other polyploid genomes. After a first phasing,... - Beside visualizing chromatin interaction data, you can also seamlessly browse other omics data such as ChIP-Seq or RNA-Seq for the same genomic region, and gain a complete view of both regulatory landscape and 3D genome structure for any given gene.... - Hagfish is a tool that is to be used in data analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) experiments. Hagfish builds on the concept of coverage plots and aims to assist (amongst others) in quality control of de novo genome assembly or... - This tool is for users to upgrade their metagenomics assemblies using long reads. This includes fixing mis-assemblies and scaffolding/gap-filling. If you encounter any issues, please contact me at My name is Ka-Kit... - Hapsembler is a haplotype-specific genome assembly toolkit that is designed for genomes that are rich in SNPs and other types of polymorphism. Hapsembler can be used to assemble reads from a variety of platforms including Illumina and Roche/454.... - RefKA, a reference-based approach for long read genome assembly. This approach relies on breaking up a closely related reference genome into bins, aligning k-mers unique to each bin with PacBio reads, and then assembling each bin in parallel... - ContigExtender, was developed to extend contigs, complementing de novo assembly. ContigExtender employs a novel recursive Overlap Layout Candidates (r-OLC) strategy that explores multiple extending paths to achieve longer and highly accurate...